Christian Love Radio

Monday, June 17, 2024

The Continuation Of The Apostles And Gifts

In the teachings of Yahusha, we find that Apostles still exist today, and that the gifts that He bestowed upon them, such as healing, have not ceased. It is a common misconception that these gifts were only meant for the early Christian church, but the truth is that Yahusha appoints Apostles even in our modern times.

The role of an Apostle is not one of prestige or power, but one of service and humility. Apostles are called to be representatives of Yahuah and to spread His message of love, peace, and salvation to all corners of the earth. They are empowered with unique gifts and abilities that enable them to perform miracles, heal the sick, and bring hope to the hopeless.

Yahusha Himself chose and appointed Apostles during His earthly ministry, and He continues to do so today. These individuals are not self-proclaimed, but are chosen and anointed by Yahuah Himself for a specific purpose and mission. They are called to be vessels of His grace, mercy, and power, and to use their gifts for the building up of the kingdom of Yahuah.

One of the greatest misconceptions in modern Christianity is the replacement of the name Yahuah with alternative titles such as Christ, Jesus, or God. However, the truth is that Yahusha always referred to the Almighty as Yahuah, and it is only through a proper understanding and reverence for this name that we can truly come to know and experience the fullness of His love and power.

The gifts of healing and miracles have not ceased, and they are still very much present in the world today. Apostles and other believers are using these gifts to bring hope, healing, and deliverance to those in need. Through faith in Yahuah and the power of His Holy Spirit, we can see blind eyes opened, deaf ears unstopped, and broken hearts healed.

In conclusion, Apostles still exist today, and they are called and appointed by Yahuah for a specific purpose and mission. The gifts of healing and miracles have not ceased, and they are still being used to bring hope and healing to those in need. It is only through a proper understanding and reverence for the name of Yahuah that we can truly come to know and experience the fullness of His love and power. May we all be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and may we all strive to be vessels of His grace, mercy, and power in this world.

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